At the District Conference of the Kyulu Nairobi District, history was made in an historic area. The history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints cannot be told without telling the story of the Church and its members in Kyulu. One of the first converts to the Church in Kenya was Gideon Kasue whose family also joined the Church. One of the first Kenyan branches was in Kyulu with meetings held in the Kasue home. Two of Gideon’s sons, Nickson and Benson, were the first two native-born Kenyans to serve full time missions. The second District in Kenya was organized in Kyulu in December of 1992. And, on 14 July 2024, the first stake in Kenya organized outside of Nairobi was established in Kyulu.
Under the direction of Elder Ian S. Ardern, Africa Central Area President, accompanied by Elder Johnny Baddoo, Area Seventy, the newest stake in Kenya was created on the second day of the semi-annual district conference. The creation of the Kyulu Stake was also the last stake organization that Elder Ardern will participate in as his 13 years as a General Authority Seventy will come to a close with the effective date of his release on August 1, 2024.
The final District President of the Kyulu District, Josephat N. Mwololo, conducted the Sunday morning session of the conference. Elder Johnny Baddoo extended an honorable and grateful release for the devoted service of President Mwlolo, District First Counselor Paul M. John, and Second Counselor David M. Kinyaka. Following the release of the district presidency, Elder Baddoo presented the first Stake Presidency of the new Kyulu Kenya Stake for a sustaining vote. Francis Wambua Sammy was presented as President with Paul Mwendwa John as First Counselor and Daniel Mule Kituku as Second Counselor. At the time of his call as Stake President, President Sammy was serving as District Executive Secretary. He had previously served as President of the Makutano 2nd Branch.
The selection of a Stake Presidency in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a remarkable thing. On Saturday morning, July 13, Elder Ardern and Elder Baddoo met with Priesthood leaders from the Kyulu District. More than 20 men, most of them not acquainted with Elder Ardern and Elder Baddoo, were interviewed. The presiding officers were charged with the same instruction given by the Lord to the Prophet Samuel to find the man who The Lord had selected to be King of Israel. Said the Lord to Samuel, “I will send thee to Jesse the Beth-lehemite: for I have provided me a king among his sons.” “the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.”
(1 Samuel 16:1, 7). Elder Ardern and Elder Baddoo sought, and received, the Lord’s direction as to whom should be called as President of the Kyulu Nairobi Stake. Speaking of the Saturday morning interviews Elder Baddoo said, “yesterday, Elder Ardern and I met with over 20 Priesthood leaders. In that time the Lord revealed His will for the new Kyulu Stake. It was similar to what happened when the prophet Samuel went to the home of Jesse. A confirmation came to us without a doubt. That is the process of revelation.” He closed his remarks to the new stake by making a request of the stake members. “As we sustain our new Stake Presidency, let us work with them and help them move the work of the Lord forward.”
New Stake President Sammy shared his testimony and his wisdom with the Stake. “We need to always focus on what is important in our lives. If we keep that focus we will not be swayed by the things of the world. The devil entices us to lose our focus on eternal life through deception and discouragement. Heavenly Father wants us to return to Him. The choices that we make are vital. Let us not lose focus on the things that matter.”
Sister Paula Ardern spoke to the members of the new stake. “This is our very last Stake Conference before we return to New Zealand. We are looking forward to going home to be with our family. We have been away from them for many years.” And then noting the blessing of a soon to be open temple in Kenya, she said, “the greatest thing you can do for your family is to take them to the temple where you can become an eternal family.”
The final speaker of the stake conference, in his final of many addresses to stake conferences, was Elder Ian Ardern. He thanked the just released district presidency and noted the passage of the baton from President Mwlolo to President Sammy as the congregation’s presiding officer. And he encouraged the congregations active support, “he does not run alone. All of us run with him.” And he spoke of the significance of the new stake to Kyulu. “I testify that when the Savior comes, He will come to the Stakes of Zion.” He encouraged the stake’s members to listen to and follow the counsel of President Sammy and reminded them of President Sammy’s counsel. He closed with his testimony of the Book of Mormon, of the Prophet Joseph Smith, of the restoration and truth of the Church of Jesus Christ, and of the divinity of the Savior.
- Kyulu-Stake-Creation.--Baddoos-and-Arderns-at-District/Stake-Conference
- Kyulu-Stake-Creation.--District-President-Mwlolo
- Kyulu-Stake-Creation.--Elder-Johnny-Baddoo-Announces-the-Establishment-of-the-Kyulu-Stake
- Kyulu-Stake-Creation.--Members-Sustain-the-New-Stake-Presidency
- Kyulu-Stake-Creation.--Sister-Paula-Ardern-Speaks
- Kyulu-Stake-Creation.-Elder-Ardern-and-Baton-
- Kyulu-Stake-Creation.-Congregation-Singing
- Kyulu-Stake-Creation.-Congregation-Listens-to-Speakers
- Kyulu-Stake-Creation.--New-Stake-Presidency
- Kyulu-Stake-Creation.--Two-of-the-PIoneers-of-the-Church-in-Kyulu,-Kenya
- Kyulu-Stake-Creation.--Two-Church-Pioneers-in-Kyulu,-Joshua-and-Penina-Kioku
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