News Release

Church Leaders in Togo Meet with Local Community and Inter-faith Leaders  

‘Dinner for Ten’ event introduces Church to opinion leaders in Togo’s capitol

On 15 June 2024, leaders from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Lome, Togo, met with community and inter-faith opinion leaders at the Concorde Hotel in Lome to discuss the Church’s beliefs and programs.  The ‘Dinner for Ten’ event was hosted by the Church’s communication department and was covered by local media.

‘Dinner for Ten’ is a yearly event held in each West African country that allows the Church to gather with key opinion and media leaders to discuss inter-faith values and to share common goals and aspirations for their communities.

In Togo, Church leaders wanted to focus on preparing the minds of the community leaders for the increasing growth of the church in Togo.  Recently new units were formed in Tsevie and Notse and they expect a new unit soon in Atakpame.  The members of the church in Togo firmly believe in the promise of seeing the church in all the capital cities of Togo’s regions.

The meeting was led by Amegandji Comlan, the National Communications Director for the Church in Togo.  Those invited to the dinner included local councilors, ministry directors, and friends from other religious denominations.

Komina Tchaa Aboume, Director of Communications for the Lome Togo Agoé stake, gave guests a better understanding of the church’s efforts globally, and particularly in Togo. He also shared the Church’s autonomy programs, including BYU-Pathway program, which was of particular interest to the guests.

The attendees were given the opportunity to share their impressions and to ask questions to help them better understand the content of the presentation.

Celestin Agbogan, President of the Togolese Human Rights League (LTDH), said. "Beyond its ecclesiastical mission, the Church is also involved in social issues and could provide solutions to the problems faced by civil society organizations, of which I myself am a member, and for that I congratulate you.”

Aziati Vinyo, the Director of the Promotion of the Arts and Culture for Togo, said, "Because of what we have learned this evening, I understood many things about the activities carried out by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was impressed by the investment in community development and especially the approach to children's schooling, because all development is based on education.”

At the conclusion of the evening, the Chairman of Togo's Communications Department, President Kouegan Anani, President of the Lome Togo Be Stake, thanked the guests for their sacrifice of time and travel. He took the opportunity to introduce them to the conference on "Strengthening Families 2024", which will be held on 21 and 22 June in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. He invited them to attend the shows, speeches and debates, which will focus on the family, marriage and how to strengthen them.

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