Ehublah Marthe Sekou, director of the Ministry of Women, Children, and Families, speaks at the dedication ceremony for the Yopougon Attie Orphanage in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire, on 20 June 2024.2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.On 20 June 2024, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints donated new and renovated buildings to the Yopougon Attie Nursery in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. A donation ceremony, attended by Church and community leaders, was held at the nursery.
The Yopougon Attie Nursery is an orphanage that serves 90-100 children from infancy to 18 years old. Many of the children have been abandoned, and most of the children have physical or intellectual disabilities. The donation was made at the request of the Cote d’Ivoire Ministry of Women, Families, and Children.
Presenting the donation for the Church was Elder Alfred Kyungu, a General Authority Seventy and counselor in the Africa West area presidency of the Church. He was joined by Sister Lucie Kyungu and Elder Tonga Sai, an Area Seventy serving members and leaders in the Abidjan area.
Many community and traditional leaders were in attendance at the ceremony. The Church of Jesus Christ was also represented by many local leaders, who joined with staff members and residents of the nursery to celebrate the donation.
The donation included the renovation of three dormitory blocks, playrooms and nurseries, and kitchen and laundry facilities. The sanitation facilities were refurbished as well. A new 900 square foot cold storage and a new infant sterilization room were also built. The Church also provided new playground equipment, new mattresses, three new washing machines, and new water tanks to the orphanage.
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
During the ceremony, the Church of Jesus Christ also donated 10 computers with accessories to the Cote d’Ivoire Ministry of Women, Families, and Children.
Accepting the donation for the orphanage was Djeket Emma Rosine, the orphanage director. She noted the difficult circumstances which brought the children to the Yopougon Attie Nursery and many obstacles to providing the special care that they required.
“You have put smiles on the faces of these children and you have touched the hearts of the staff who lovingly care for them,” she said. “Your contributions have created a life for the children that they could not have imagined for themselves.”
Speaking for the Ministry was Director Ehublah Marthe Sekou. “We are grateful to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and thankful for the many collaborations we have had with them. We saw a significant need at the orphanage and knew that the Church stood ready to assist us in that need.”
Elder Kyungu emphasized the importance the Church places on children.
“The Savior said, ‘Suffer the children to come unto me,'” he said. “We know how important the children were to Jesus, and we do all that we can to make their lives better and happier. These donations today were made by members of our Church in Cote d’Ivoire and throughout the world and reflect the love that they have for God and for their fellow brothers and sisters.”