News Release

Education and Inter-faith Leaders Convene at Gathering Place Summit in Accra, Ghana

Accra single adults instructed on skill development and employment

Madam Rejoice Dankwa, Director of the Commission for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, Ghana Ministry of Education, speaks at the Gathering Place Summit in Accra Ghana. 2 December 20232023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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On 2 December 2023, educators throughout Ghana gathered to discuss the challenges of employment in West Africa at the Gathering Place Summit held at the Christianborg Stake Center of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Accra Ghana.  Government, education, and inter-faith leaders shared their insights on how young adults can prepare themselves to succeed in achieving meaningful skill development and employment.

They also celebrated the success of the Gathering Place initiative of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in providing certificated skill development programs for Young Single Adults (YSA) throughout West Africa.

Presiding over the summit was Elder Jorg Klebingat, General Authority Seventy and first counselor in the Africa West Area of the Church.  Also attending was Elder Samuel Annon-Simons, and Area Seventy in the Accra area.

The summit attendees met with the education leaders for the first part of the program and then visited booths from the various vocational and training programs offered through the Gathering Place program.

President Daniel Allotey of the Ghana Kasoa Stake of the Church encouraged the attendees to remain faithful although the process of education and skill development is difficult. “Don’t lose hope or faith in yourselves or the savior during this process.  He will be there for you and will send you angels to help you along the way.”

“Education changes everything,” said Rt. Rev. Dr Paul Kofi Fynn, Chancellor of the Wisconsin International University and former President and Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana.  “You must understand the power of God by seeking Him first, and through Him you will achieve your highest aspirations.”

Sheikh Aremeyaw Shaibu, Spokesperson for the National Chief Imam of Ghana, encouraged the attendees to focus on skill development.  “Explore new job markets and understand the skills necessary to be employable,” he urged, and added that, “skills are the answer, if you are enslaved by lack of skills, you are destined for a life of idleness, poverty, and an unproductive life.”

Other honored guests offered solidarity messages.  These guests included Archbishop John Bonaventure Kwofie, of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Ghana, Imam Ishmael Okotah Badoo, District Chief Imam of Okaikoi South in Accra. Also attending was the Honorable Dr Dickson Adomako Kissi, a Member of Parliament for the Anyaa Sowutuom, Accra

The Guest speaker was Madam Rejoice Dankwa, Director of Technical and Vocational Education and Training for the Ghana Department of Education. Madam Dankwa reviewed the vocational and technical training options available to the young adults in Ghana. “Africa needs problem solvers, creative thinkers who are prepared for the opportunities the future will hold for them.”

Elder Simons outlined the purposed of the Gathering Place program. "It was developed to proved gospel learning, social interaction, opportunities for service, and meaningful activities like the vocational and technical training you will witness today," he said.

Elder Klebingat concluded the program by encouraging the attendees to work to discover their talents, even their hidden talents. “When we develop our talents, it allows us to obey God’s commandment to care for our families and our neighbors.”  He quoted a prophet who once said, “Work is to be reenthroned as the ruling principle of our lives.”  He added that,” You are all sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father, and he has faith in you, and as long as your mind is alert and your body is able, He will expect you to do all you can to develop your skills to become independent.”

At the conclusion of the summit, the honored guests and attendees were able to see presentations on the technical skills that are currently being offered at the Gathering Place locations in the Accra area.

The Gathering Place is a designated church location for YSA and their friends to gather and participate in priesthood directed and YSA led experiences and activities. The focus of the program is to strengthen YSA spiritually, socially, emotionally, educationally, and professionally. There are Gathering Place locations throughout the Africa West Area, generally based in local Stake Centers.

Although the Gathering Place was created to serve YSA, the vocational training experiences in the church locations have been open to all ages. It is also a community program with individuals from many faiths and backgrounds working together to improve their lives and their communities.

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