On 15 June 2023, Elder Gerrit W. Gong, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, met with His Eminence Sheik Osman Nuhu Sharubutu, the National Chief Imam and Grand Mufti of the Republic of Ghana. Elder Gong was accompanied by his wife, Sister Susan L. Gong, Elder S. Gifford Nielsen, a General Authority Seventy and President of the Africa West Area, Elder Jorg Klebingat, a General Authority Seventy and first counsellor in the Africa West Area presidency, and his wife Sister Julia Klebingat. The meeting took place at the residence of the Grand Mufti in Accra Ghana.
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
The National Chief Imam is the spiritual leader for nearly 9 million Muslims in the Republic of Ghana. In April he celebrated his 104th birthday. In 1993, he was appointed the National Chief Imam of Ghana for the Muslim Communities in Ghana after having served as the Regional Imam of Ghana since 1974. The Grand Mufti has been celebrated for his work to ensure that Ghana is a beacon of human rights in Africa. He is a member of the National Peace Council of Ghana.
Before meeting the Chief Imam, the Church leaders had an opportunity to visit the National Mosque of Ghana in Accra. The mosque is the second largest in all West Africa and was dedicated in 2021. It is said to have a capacity of 15,000 people. The Grand Mufti led the first Jumu’ah prayers in the Mosque in 2021.

His Eminence Sheik Osman Nuhu Shaubutu, the National Chief Imam and Grand Mufti of the Republic of Ghana2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.As the meeting began, Elder Gong explained that we had come to learn from him and asked if the Chief Imam could take some time to teach. He shared a message of peace and understanding between all peoples. He noted that, “all of us are in the same family of God. We are all descended from Adam and Eve. Why then do we fight amongst ourselves?” He also said that God has shown us how we can know and love another. “He has put us in different nations and tribes, not so we will fight against each other, but so we can take care of one another and learn to love each other.”
The Imam noted his focus on inter-faith relations in Ghana. “The basis of our inter-faith relations is simple, we do everything together as brothers and sisters, and we do it in love, without conflict.”
Sister Gong asked the Imam what we should teach our youth, the rising generation. He responded that “respect and knowledge are the most important things we can teach. Respect of elders so they can continue to learn from them, and knowledge because knowledge equals progress.” He said that we must empower young people so that they can contribute to the prosperity of the human race.
Elder Nielsen discussed the recent Eid Mubarak celebration in Takoradi Ghana where the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints made available it’s buildings and grounds for this important Muslim holiday. Over 1000 Muslims participated in prayers to celebrate the end of Ramadan at the Takoradi Stake Center. The Grand Mufti was aware of this and noted, “this is an example of what we have discussed today, we are one.”
Elder Gong shared how the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints treasures our first parents Adam and Eve as do the Muslims. “We too believe that we come from the same parents and should live in harmony as one family.” He noted that we are led by a prophet of God, President Russell M. Nelson, whose teachings are very similar to those of the Imam. “Our prophet teaches us to let God prevail, he teaches that we should all be peacemakers, he teaches that we should help our youth get education and training so they can succeed in life, and he teaches us to empower women and our rising generation. These are all things I have heard from you today.”
The area of Accra where the Imam resides is called La Paz. Elder Gong said “I noticed that this area is called La Paz, Peace, and that is very appropriate. You have made peace a priority and we pray that it will continue and that the people of Ghana will continue to be blessed by the peace and harmony you extol.”
Elder Gong presented the Grand Mufti with a stained-glass replica of the Tree of Life. “This is symbolic, the deep roots represent the reverence for our ancestors, the tall branches are our young people, who must grow and thrive,” said Elder Gong. He noted that the tree is sustained by living water, which represents our united faith in God, and that the tree will be fruitful and bless the lives of many. He then told the Chief Imam that, “throughout your life, you have been a fruitful tree.”