News Release

Elder Kyungu Urges Youth in Cote d’Ivoire to “Plan for Your Spiritual Progression"

Multi-Stake Youth Devotional held in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire

On 6 September 2023, a multi-stake youth devotional was held in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.  Elder Alfred Kyungu, a General Authority Seventy and counselor in the Africa West Area of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, presided over the meeting which was held in the Yopougon Toits Rouges Stake Center in Abidjan.  Although the meeting was held in the middle of the week, over 400 young men and women journeyed to participate in the devotional.

Accompanying Elder Kyungu were Sister Lucie Kyungu, and Elder D. Martin Goury, an Area Seventy for the Church serving the members in Cote d’Ivoire.  Elder Goury challenged the youth to be obedient and to comply with the teaching of their leaders.  “You will receive blessings when you love and have respect for the commandments of God,” he said.

Two of the youth who were preparing to serve their missions, spoke to the gathering about the blessings of service.  Both bore testimony of the happiness that comes from preparing to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.  They also urged their friends to continue to prepare for full-time missions and to always remain worthy of that sacred call.

Elder Alfred Kyungu, General Authority Seventy and Counselor in the Africa West Area of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 6 September 20232023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Sister Kyungu reminded the youth of the warriors of Helaman from the Book of Mormon.  “Their faith allowed them to overcome all obstacles,” she said and added,” Faith is a journey that requires perseverance and the development of a relationship with God.  It’s not easy, but God will always be there to strengthen you.”

Elder Kyungu was delighted to meet some of his former missionaries from when he was a Mission Leader in DR Congo.  He expressed his joy in seeing them become great church leaders in the Ivory Coast.  He encouraged the youth to follow the examples of their leaders.  He also instructed them to find role models from their study of the Book of Mormon. “These leaders will help you see what you can do with your lives and help you to have a vision of what you can become,” he said.

During a question-and-answer session, Elder Kyungu instructed the youth on the proper use of social networks.  “Seek those things that are holy and uplifting.  Social media should build you up, make you better, and help you reach your potential,” he shared.

“Make a plan for your spiritual progression. Be obedient and have faith,” Elder Kyungu encouraged. “Your life is a journey, there will be high points and some difficult times as well, but if you stick to your plan, you will achieve happiness in this life and eternal life with your Heavenly Father.”

The youth, some of whom traveled great distances, were happy to share these moments with their Church leaders.  Aline from Niangon said, “We were so happy to meet with Elder Kyungu and Elder Goury. We learned that we need Faith in Jesus Christ to accomplish our goals."

Youth at the devotional came from the Yopougon Selmer Stake, Yopougon Toit Rouge Stake, Niangon Nord Stake, Niangon Sud Stake, and Niangun Centre Stake.

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