News Release

Global Participants from the Africa Central Area Join Tabernacle Choir for General Conference  

“These global participants have amazing faith in the Savior”

In 2023, the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square launched a global initiative to involve choir members from around the world. There are currently about 50 global participants. These members of the choir speak many languages, represent many cultures, and have had very different life experiences. They bless church members across the globe as they take turns singing in General Conference and sharing their testimonies of Jesus Christ and His restored gospel through sacred music.

Africa Central Area are blessed to have two of the Global Participants of the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square representing them: Brothers Anges Mambassa and Pythagore Matubu from Kinshasa. These brothers attend virtual trainings, devotionals, and rehearsals. Brother Anges is traveling to Salt Lake City, Utah, to sing in the choir for this October’s General Conference. Brother Pythagore will sing in the choir for the following General Conference in April 2025. 

Brother Anges is currently en route to Salt Lake City from Kinshasa. He says, “Music is a passion for me. I always think that during the Creation, music was heard from the background—while God said, ‘Let there be light.’”

Music has had a powerful influence in Brother Anges’ life. He has held many music callings over the years and found many opportunities to help others grow closer to the Savior through music. He has found power and strength in the lyrics of sacred music and in the Spirit that sacred music brings. He says, “Music reminds me that I am a child of God, and even more about the holy scriptures and my testimony about the Saviour’s Atonement. All these help me to get closer to my Father in Heaven and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Brother Anges is delighted for this opportunity. He says, “I think my experience with the Tabernacle Choir will bless my life and my family tremendously—it will be a fulfilment of a small prayer that I said in temple: ‘Father, search me, find me and I will sing your name before a grand assembly.’ I think this is what God meant, to make me part of this so my prayer may be answered for His glory.”

Sister Lisa Luke, Africa Central Area Music Training Specialist, attended a Global Participant devotional in Salt Lake City in June 2024 with the leaders of the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square and saw all of the Global Participants of the Tabernacle Choir around the world on-screen at one time. It was a powerful experience. She relates, “These global participants have amazing faith in the Savior. Their enthusiasm to share their testimonies of Him through music is powerful and palpable.” 

At that meeting, Brother Steve Schank, who leads the publication of the church’s new global hymnbook, said Heavenly Father’s eye is on each of His sparrows, and He watches over and guides each one of us in our lives (see hymn 1005). He told the global participants, “Your desires and willingness to consecrate to the Lord have created the perfect opportunity for you to be guided and blessed.” He testified that Heavenly Father will do the same for each of us as we strive to develop and use our spiritual gifts to bless the lives of others. 
We are grateful for the way Brothers Anges and Pythagore, our Global Participants of the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square, have developed their talents with an eye single to God’s glory. In the Africa Central Area, we will be watching for our Brother Anges Mambassa and cheering him on during General Conference on 5th and 6th October.  

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