News Release

Liberian Orphan Choir Attends Music and the Spoken Word Broadcast

Does impromptu performance for Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra

On 16 June 2023, the Liberian Orphan Choir witnessed the Music and the Spoken Word broadcast by the Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square.

The choir, made up of children who were all once orphans in Liberia, was in Salt Lake City as part of a nationwide musical tour sponsored by Matsiko Children International. The mission of the Choir is to use the unifying power of music to uplift every child, bring joy to all who listen, and to inspire generosity that provides a complete education for vulnerable children.

A member of the Liberian Orphan Choir with Kathryn Peters, Director of Church Hosting, at the Conference Center in Salt Lake City, on June 16, 2023.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Members of the choir were delighted to be introduced by Lloyd Newell prior to the broadcast along with Mexican artists Adassa and Alex Melecio, who performed with the Choir and Orchestra in Mexico City last month.

After the broadcast, Adassa asked to meet with this group of young singers from Liberia.  They gathered around Adassa in one big group hug on the side of the Conference Center below the stage. This was followed by an impromptu performance by the children’s choir for Adassa. Then they turned to those who had stayed and sang a second song. “Everyone still in the Conference Center admired their music and energy, including most members of the Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra,” said Sister Kathryn Peters, Director of Church Hosting. “The feeling was electric.”

Matsiko Children International, a non-profit organization based in Covington Washington, seeks to provide a complete education for orphans that can transform their lives and lift them out of poverty. The Matsiko Orphan Choir harnesses the innate talent of these children to bring joy to audiences in the United States and give visibility to the plight of orphans throughout the world.

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