News Release

President and Sister Kannar Begin Service as Leaders of the Cameroon Yaoundé Mission

“We love the people in our mission.”

President David Kannar and Sister Sally-Jane Kannar commenced their service as leaders of the Cameroon Yaoundé Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on July 1, 2023. They replaced President R. Todd Miner and Sister Andrea Girand Miner. The mission boundaries include the countries of Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and Central African Republic.

Shortly after arriving in Yaoundé, President and Sister Kannar visited a branch of the Church. They noticed there was no organ or piano and wondered how the congregation would sing. A beautiful young lady’s voice began to sing a hymn and the congregation joined powerfully.

President Kannar said, “Immediately the words of Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf (‘Our Heartfelt All’ April 2022 General Conference) filled our minds. As tears streamed down our faces, we knew why no musical instrument was required. The Saints in Cameroon give their ‘heartfelt all’ and we felt it.”

President and Sister Kannar were originally assigned to serve in Wellington New Zealand but were reassigned to Cameroon. When extending the reassignment, former Africa Area President and now Missionary Department Executive Director, Elder Marcus B. Nash said that Africa was an exciting place to serve in. “You will love the people” and this will be a “rich experience” for you.

“This certainly has been true,” said President Kannar. “Sitting with the Church leaders at the MTC has strengthened our testimonies. You cannot ignore the spirit that accompanies them. We love the people in our mission. Our missionaries and district leaders are amazing! It’s so exciting to see the Church growing. Soon we will form the first stake in Cameroon and create history.”

President and Sister Kannar have four children and are members of the Buderim Ward, Sunshine Coast Australia Stake. President Kannar is a former mission presidency counselor, regional YSA adviser, stake presidency counselor, stake YSA adviser, bishop, bishopric counselor, elders quorum president, ward Young Men president, ward mission leader, temple ordinance worker and missionary in the Australia Perth Mission. He was born in Sydney, Australia, to Darrell Kannar and Adele Shipley.

Sister Kannar is a former regional YSA adviser, stake Young Women president, district Relief Society presidency counselor, stake YSA adviser, ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor, ward activity committee member, Primary teacher, Sunday School teacher, institute teacher, seminary teacher and temple ordinance worker. She was born in Woodville, Australia, to John Sydney Tennant and Marguerite Patricia Tennant.

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