The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Newsroom website provides journalists, opinion leaders and the public with official news and information about the Church. From news releases to background information to commentaries on current issues, Newsroom is the official resource for news media, opinion leaders and the public.
Here is a brief description of different portions of Newsroom's front page:
- “News Releases” tab : Most recent news releases and stories
- “Topics and Background” tab: Background information on a variety of topics (for example, Political Neutrality)
- “Leadership and Organization” tab: Bios of Church leaders
- “Facts and Statistics” tab: Church statistical information (for example, total Church membership, number of congregations)
- “Multimedia” tab: Photos of Church leaders, temples, and other Church topics
- “Contact” tab: Contact information of official spokespersons for journalists
- “Search” box: Located at the top right corner of each page, suggested results will quickly point you to relevant content.
FAQ and Other Relevant Content
The following Newsroom content may be especially useful in answering journalists’ questions about the Church.

Mormonism 101: The following series of answers to frequently asked questions about the Church’s teachings should help further illuminate what Latter-day Saints believe.

Church Statement on Political Neutrality: The Church is neutral in matters of party politics. This link contains the Church's political neutrality statement and an accompanying whiteboard video animation.

Approaching Latter-day Saint Doctrine: The doctrinal tenets of any religion are best understood within a broad context, and thoughtful analysis is required to understand them. News reporters pressed by daily deadlines often find that problematic. As the Church continues to grow throughout the world and receive increasing media attention, a few simple principles that facilitate a better understanding may be helpful.

Christianity: Following Jesus in Word and Deed: For Latter-day Saints, Jesus Christ is the Savior of all people, the divine Son of God. He is the same Jesus Christ of the New Testament, who taught about faith and about love for God and mankind. Jesus Christ — not Moses, Paul or Joseph Smith — is the object of Latter-day Saints’ devotion and worship.

What to Expect at Church Services: This page will help first-time visitors understand what to expect at our weekly Sunday worship services (Latter-day Saints welcome all visitors to their worship services). We also feature a video of a bishop talking about these weekly worship services, which include the sacrament (similar to receiving communion) and its central focus on Jesus Christ.

Lay Leadership: Volunteer Ministry of the Church: This page explains the structure of local ministration and leadership within the Church. The Church functions in large measure because of the unpaid volunteer ministry of its members.

Humanitarian Aid and Welfare Services Basics: How Donations and Resources Are Used: This page provides background and context to the Church’s humanitarian aid and welfare services efforts, and also includes a detailed breakdown of some of the ways Church donations and resources are used.

Tithing and Church Finances: Tithing is a natural and integrated aspect of Latter-day Saint religious belief and practice. Also, the key to understanding the Church is to see it not as a worldwide corporation, but as millions of faithful members in thousands of congregations across the world following Christ and caring for each other and their neighbors.

Divine Revelation in Modern Times : Latter-day Saints believe “all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and … that He will yet reveal many great and important things” (Articles of Faith 1:9).

The Religious Experience Latter-day Saints: The religious experience of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is based on a spiritual witness from God that inspires both heart and mind, creating an interpersonal relationship directly with the divine.

Commentaries: The purpose of commentaries is to deepen conversations surrounding the Church, explain Latter-day Saint teachings and practices, and contextualize the Church's interactions with the broader society.