On Thursday, December 26, 2024, the Relief Society of the Mpintsin Ghana Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints donated assorted food items and toiletries to the inmates of the Sekondi Female Prison. Sister Erica Akwetey, the Mpintsin Ghana Stake Relief Society President, presented the items to the beneficiaries. The Assistant Director of Prisons, Janet Asabea, received the donation on behalf of the female inmates of the prison.

Donation of food items to Sekondi Female Prison on 26 December, 2024
Donation of food items and toiletries to Sekondi Female Prison on December 26, 2024© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Brother Yaw Kumah, a high counselor in the stake, reiterated the Church’s policy of giving back to society and helping the less-privileged.
“We are commanded by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to visit people who are in prison, clothe the naked, and feed those who are hungry,” he said.
The Stake leaders took time to interact with the female inmates. In turn, the female inmates shared their life experiences. Despite their circumstances, the inmates appreciated the visit and the gesture of help. They sang and danced with the Stake leaders, creating a hopeful and joyful atmosphere.

Prison officials gratefully receive the donation from The Church on 26 December, 2024.
Prison officials gratefully receive the donation from The Church on December 26, 2024.© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.The Officer in Charge, Janet Asabea, thanked the Church for the donation. She said caring for the inmates of the female prison is very challenging. “Feeding rate, as it stands now in the country, is woefully inadequate,” she added. She expressed that the donation came at the right time to supplement their efforts in taking care of the inmates at the prison.
The Stake President, President Philip Adams, and his wife, Sister Adams supervised the donation. The Relief Society Presidency and the Stake Communication team also participated in the event.