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On Saturday, April 6, 2024 Héritier Mumba, a leading government official in the city of Kolwezi in the Democratic Republic of Congo, was baptized and confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Kolwezi 2nd Ward, Kolwezi Stake. Brother Héritier Mumba is a prominent official at the Ministry of Mines for Lualaba Province, and coordinator of the non-profit organization John Kahumba Foundation.
Brother Mumba was first introduced to the Church eight months ago by the communications director of the Kolwezi Stake whom he met during a humanitarian aid project at Kizito Hospital.
Four months later, in January 2024, Brother Mumba took the initiative to attend the Kolwezi 2nd Ward. There he met the full-time missionaries including Sister Kambanyuma and Sister Kabimba, who began teaching him the missionary lessons along with the stake communication director.
From the first day Brother Mumba committed to regularly attend Sacrament meetings. He met Bishop Mumba Kapita Guy of Kolwezi 2nd Ward, who also urged him to remain firm in his commitment to become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints.
Among the Church principles and doctrines that most attracted Brother Mumba, he listed the Plan of Salvation and Word of Wisdom, the Church’s guidelines for healthy living. These principles helped him change his life and become a member of the Church.
In the testimony he shared shortly after his baptism, Brother Mumba said before he met the Church he did not know what would become of him or he family after death. But thanks to the teachings he learned from the Book of Mormon, his fears about his family were replaced by the hope of being united with them for time and eternity through the covenants of the gospel. He was happy to invite his brothers to start taking the missionary lessons.
Second, he said that the Word of Wisdom is not only a revealed commandment for those who desire to become members of the Church of Jesus Christ. We should also encourage governments to enshrine it in the law to promote health for all those who live in DR Congo. If everyone kept this commandment, the number of crimes would decrease in this country.
He testified that Joseph Smith is truly a prophet of God, and that the Restoration is not an illusion, but real because of the change he has seen in his life since the day he began to study the restored gospel and apply it in his life.