News Release

Young Single Adults from 3 Nairobi Stakes Gather for Faith Building and Fellowship

For First Time Since Creation of 3rd Nairobi Stake, Young Single Adults Hold Combined Activity

The first Stake in Nairobi was created in September of 2001.  That stake was split in March of 2016 to create the Nairobi East and Nairobi West Stakes.  Seven years later, in March of 2023, a third Nairobi Stake, the Nairobi South Stake, was created.    All three stakes have a significant number of Young Single Adults (YSA’s).  On March 23, 2024, for the first time since the creation of the 3rd Nairobi Stake, a Nairobi wide Young Single Adult Conference was held.

The gathering convened at the Nairobi South Stake Center, the Buruburu Building.  Over 300 YSA’s came together for faith, fun, food and fellowship.  There are 599 YSA’s in the 3 stakes making it the single largest auxiliary group in the Church in Nairobi.  Over half of the three stakes’ YSA’s traveled to Buruburu for the day’s activities.   The combined activity was organized by YSA leadership with assistance from their advisors.  Also participating in the days events was a member of each of the three stake presidencies. 

The event began with a faith building devotional, then turned to activities.  The activities of the day included a scavenger hunt, ball games, dances and speed dating.  Of course, wherever YSA’s gather, there is food.  It was a very good day of faith, fun, food, and fellowship.  It was the first such gathering since the creation of the 3rd Nairobi Stake, and it won’t be the last. 

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