News Release

New Branch of the Church Created in Senegal

5th Branch Serves the Commune of Saly

On Sunday, February 2, 2025, in the Commune of Saly in Senegal, a congregation of forty people from the Mbour Group of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gathered to witness their Group become the Saly Branch of the Senegal District of The Church. Under the direction of Wade Litchfield, President of the Côte d'Ivoire Abidjan West Mission who presided at the sacrament meeting, which was conducted by the Dakar branch president, Sahi Christ Yvan Gue,  President Essan Jacques A. Niambe, president of the Senegal District, formally created the Saly Branch as the 5th Branch of the District.

Members of the newly created Saly Branch celebrate the creation of their branch on 2 February, 2025.© 2025 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Historically, the Mbour Group was organized during a conference of the Dakar Branch on June 9, 2019, by David Hamand, then-President of the Côte d'Ivoire Abidjan West Mission. Thereafter, the Mbour Group was placed under the supervision of the Dakar Branch, whose President was Essan Jacques A. Niambe, and Euloge Hodabalo Kamana, the first pioneer of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in this locality, was called as the Leader of the Mbour Group. Subsequently, Oscar Correa was called as the Leader of the Mbour Group, replacing Euloge Hodabalo Kamana.

Called and sustained as the President of the new Saly Branch was Oscar Correa, the most recent leader of the Mbour Group. Also called and sustained were Emmanuel Bangura Kemoh and Mandela Ikeokwu as 1st and 2nd Counsellors, respectively, while Elie Sourou Kiki was called and sustained as the Branch Clerk.  Following the sustainings, the newly called leaders had opportunities to bear their testimonies.

After the testimonies of the newly called leaders, President Litchfield addressed the congregation and in his closing remarks he emphasized the necessity of daily repentance drawing on the atonement of Jesus Christ; the importance of always remembering Him when partaking of the Sacrament; the charge to pray sincerely daily; and the counsel to read the Book of Mormon each day to strengthen testimonies.

At the conclusion of the standard Sunday meetings, the branch held its first baptismal service for Hermine Majolie Guibambang and Chinedu Aliou Badara Junior Agu, who joined the new Saly Branch as its newest members after being baptized by the new President, Oscar Correa.

Located about 80 kilometers south of Dakar, The Saly Branch now stands as the 5th Branch of the Senegal District of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, following the Dakar Branch, Parcelles Branch, Saint-Louis Branch, and Ouakam Branch.

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