A new district presidency was recently called in the island country of Mauritius.
The Mauritius district, made up of 3 branches and 552 members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, will be presided over by President Mario Ramiah with first counselor Logan Gracieuse and second counselor Sylvain Piangnee.
Having joined the church as a young man, President Gracieuse explains, “I was taught the gospel by many good people.” Serving in the district presidency, he says, “is one way I can give back by serving the members.”
“My heart is filled with gratitude for the opportunity to serve our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. My new calling on the Mauritius district as second counselor humbles me more and is a great blessing and challenge in my life to serve others,” says Sylvain Piangnee.

Growth of the Church on the island began when Mauritians who had joined the church abroad wrote to Church leaders asking for missionaries to be sent to relatives living in Mauritius. The first branch of the Church in Mauritius was organized in the 1980s.
First counselor Logan Gracieuse expressed a desire for continued growth and support: “My vision for the district is one to make sure that the Church has a good structure that members can build on.”
In 1988 Elder Marvin J. Ashton visited Mauritius to offer a dedicatory prayer. “We dedicate this beautiful island … in accordance with thy present and future plans for not only the growth, but the prosperity and peace that the gospel can bring.”