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Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has expanded its presence in Kenya following the creation of a third stake in Nairobi, Kenya. Africa Central Area President Elder Matthew L. Carpenter and Elder Willy Binene, an Area Seventy, created the new stake in a conference held on 5 March 2023, at Upper Hill Nairobi, with over 1450 faithful saints in attendance.
Nairobi Kenya South Stake
The Nairobi Kenya South Stake was created from church congregations from the Nairobi Kenya East and Nairobi Kenya West Stakes, and it has the following units:
Athi River First Ward, Kitengela Ward, Nairobi First Ward, Nairobi Second Ward, South B Ward, Athi River Second Branch, Mlolongo Branch, and Ruai Branch.
Fredrick Shamola was called and sustained as the new stake president with Peter Kirima as the first counselor and Steven Kisyoki Kasyei as the second counselor in the stake presidency.
The stake president holds the priesthood keys to lead the work of the Church in the stake. He and his counselors form a stake presidency. They care for stake members with love, helping them become true followers of Jesus Christ.
Nairobi Kenya East Stake
Githurai Ward, Kayole First Ward, Kayole Second Ward, Lucky Summer Ward, Zimmerman Ward, Gigiri Ward, Upper Hill Ward, and Dandora Branch constitute the Nairobi Kenya East Stake.
Dennis Muyeko Mukasa was called and sustained as the new stake president, with Aaron Mutinda Kamto serving as the first counselor and Maurice Buri Orina serving as the second counselor in the stake presidency.
Nairobi Kenya West Stake
This stake consists of the following units: Kabiria Ward, Langata Ward, Mountain View Ward, Ongata Rongai Ward, Riruta Ward, Ngong Branch, and Kikuyu Branch.
Prince Henry Omondi was called and sustained as the new stake president, with Maurice Mogaka Nyagwoka serving as the first counselor and Meshack Odunga serving as the second counselor in the stake presidency.
Speaking at the conference, Elder Carpenter began by teaching a principle found in Doctrine and Covenants 26:2 to explain why members were asked to sustain the new leadership.
“Brothers and Sisters, I can testify to you that we have been fasting much, we have been praying much, as have you, and what we present to you right now is the result of those prayers and fasting and direction from our Heavenly Father.”
Elder Willy Binene, an Area Seventy, urged members to sustain their leaders and the new leaders to build up the stakes for this work belongs to Christ. “Not all people receive Christ, but you and I did, and we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. He is our life, our Redeemer, and our Savior.”
Elder Carpenter concluded by saying, “Our Savior Jesus Christ can do all this work on his own, in his own way. But as we engage in this work, we become perfected and sanctified. Christ will help us as we seek to follow him.”
The total number of stakes in the nation now stands at three, illustrating the expansion and development of the Church in Kenya. Each stake of the church is made up of several wards or branches, and is analogous to a diocese.