News Release

The Church in Mbuji-Mayi DR Congo Conducts Free Nutritional Evaluations for Children 

“The future of a society depends on the health of today’s children and their mothers.”

The Mbuji-Mayi and Dibindi Stakes of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in DR Congo conducted nutritional evaluations for children from six months to five years old during January 25-27, 2024. This activity, entitled the “Nutrition Effort for Children” and was organized by local leaders of the Church and by the Church’s Department of Welfare and Self Reliance Services.

Hundreds of children participated from all the wards from these two stakes, which are analogous to a diocese. They were checked, weighed, measured, and received nutritional evaluations. Aware that children are a heritage from the Lord, their parents came in large numbers to participate in this Christlike service project.

For Latter-day Saints, “the future of a society depends on the health of today’s children and their mothers.”

Dibindi Stake president Faustin Nyembo and Mbuji-Mayi Stake president Alain Mukadi led this activity. Ibrahim Nosso, of the Church Department of Welfare and Self Reliance Services, Dr. Ladis Tshimbombo, and several health service providers also participated.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints attaches great importance to the health of children and to this end it supports many humanitarian projects around the world. These efforts are funded by the voluntary contributions of Church members.

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